During my Rivanna River float, earlier this summer, my Pentax went for an unexpected swim. Clearly not what any nature photographer wants to happen but things don’t always go as planned. Thankfully I saw the camera fall into the river and pulled it out before it had time to sink too far below the surface. For the rest of the trip I was left shooting with my iPhone and had the camera out in the sun to dry. Continue reading “Butterfly On The Camera”
Eastern River Cooter
Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Corolla Sunrise
Sometimes being a morning person pays off. I took this photo during a trip to the beach last August. I noticed the cloud bank that night and thought it was a shame the clouds probably wouldn’t be there at sunrise. To my great surprise, the clouds barely moved overnight! I awoke before dawn and watched this amazing sunrise slowly transform into morning.
Grand Prismatic Spring I
As hot mineral water seeps out of the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park it leaves tiny layers of minerals. The heat of the water provides an ideal environment for bacteria, which grow in colorful mats over the wavy mineral deposits. The end result is an amazing display of color and texture.
Banded Hairstreak
Great Spangled Fritillary
Pearl Crescent
This Pearl Crescent butterfly rests peacefully in a bed of white and yellow flowers. According to “An Instant Guide to Butterflies” by Pamela Forey and Cecilia Fitzsimons, male Pearl Crescents patrol their territory and will fly at other butterflies and insects.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Happy
Cycling and photography are two of my favorite activities. Both activities make me feel happy and alive.
On October 6 I visited one of the more scenic spots along the Tour de Richmond cycling route to try my hand at photographing cyclists in motion. This photo really captures the speed and motion of cycling as I wanted to portray it. I thought it fit in well with this week’s photo challenge because the cyclist looks really happy too! Click on the photo to see a larger image.