This post contains a close up image of a spider. If that kind of thing creeps you out, turn back now.
Continue reading “Rabid Wolf Spider”Unexpected Hiking Partner
Usually it’s harder to photograph butterflies than you might think. They are always moving and lots of them flutter away when they see anything approach.
Continue reading “Unexpected Hiking Partner”Bumble
Earlier this summer the bumble bees really enjoyed our cone flowers.
Continue reading “Bumble”Spring Nectar
Hiking along a rural trail in Amelia County, Virginia this spring I spotted a small patch of honeysuckle along the side of the trail.
Green June Beetle
This week’s photo challenge is Ooh, Shiny! The concept is to photograph something that distracts you.
Emerging Dragonfly
Dragonflies spend most of their lives, sometimes years, in the nymph stage. During that time they live in the water and feed on other insects and even small fish and tadpoles.
Butterfly On The Camera
During my Rivanna River float, earlier this summer, my Pentax went for an unexpected swim. Clearly not what any nature photographer wants to happen but things don’t always go as planned. Thankfully I saw the camera fall into the river and pulled it out before it had time to sink too far below the surface. For the rest of the trip I was left shooting with my iPhone and had the camera out in the sun to dry. Continue reading “Butterfly On The Camera”