Earlier this year the Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts (VMFA) hosted an exhibit of terra cotta soldiers from China.
Standing Guard at Pu`uhanua O Honaunau
A wooden figure stands, watching the bay at Pu`uhanua O Honaunau National Historic Park, Kona, Hawaii.
Shrine Inside Santa Maria della Consolazione
Statue in Piazza del Campidoglio
My friends and I were pass through Piazza del Campidoglio in the late evening when I captured this image of one of the statues in the piazza. We walked by it earlier that day but the statue was in the shade so the lighting was very cool and flat. The evening sun cast its warm, hard light on the statue in a way that made for a much better photo. I considered converting this image to black and white or even just desaturating the colors. Eventually I decided I liked the warmth and intensity of the colors just the way they were recorded by my camera.
I caught this image at the Virginia Museum of Fine Art, quite unexpectedly. I was photographing the Blue Ridge Chandelier, on the right side of the image, when the girl moved to look out an enormous window off the left side of the photograph. I was immediately drawn to the spaciousness of this image.