
photograph of a buttercup flower

A simple buttercup grew in a patch of grass along the trail I was hiking.  After stopping to take photos of something more compelling, I noticed this flower and thought it deserved a little attention.

Meerkat 1

photograph of a meerkat

This meerkat and its friends were digging in their sandy enclosure at the Metro Richmond Zoo when we visited in early April.

Tri-Colored Pine Cone

photograph of a pinecone

I’m not much of a pine cone photographer (is there such a thing?) but the colors on this cone really caught my eye.  It grew from the branch of a fallen tree that was clearly still very much alive.

Painted Turtle 1

photograph of a painted turtle sunning itself on a rock

This painted turtle was sunning itself on a cool spring day which probably allowed me to get closer than I otherwise might have.  There were a few other turtles nearby but I like the coloration of this one.

Curious Horned Grebe

photograph of a horned grebe with a curious look

I spotted this Horned Grebe swimming in one of the canals at The Great Dismal Swamp.  It didn’t seem to mind me watching it at all.  It just swam around, in and out of the shadows and would occasionally dive under water.  I was able to get quite a few photos of it but this is one of my favorites.

Mourning Cloak

photograph of a mourning cloak butterfly on purple flowers

This Mourning Cloak butterfly stops to rest and feed in a patch of tiny, purple wild flowers.  I encountered it while hiking with a friend this spring in the Great Dismal Swamp near Suffolk, VA.


White Breasted Nuthatch II

photograph of a White Breasted Nuthatch on a tree trunk

White Breasted Nuthatches have the odd habit of creeping down tree trunks.  This one stopped to survey it’s surrounding.  In the process it showed off it’s flexibility by craning it’s neck more than 90 degrees to assess the scene.  This photo was taken on a rainy day and you can see a tiny drop of water clinging to the bird’s belly.

Unlikely Fisherman

photograph of a spider sitting on a leaf in a pool of water

Five of the eight legs of this spider were on the surface of a small pool of water.  The other three were resting on a leaf floating on the surface.  At first I thought this spider had been stranded on the leaf but I later realized it was probably waiting there for lunch to come along.

Like all the photos on my blog, you can click on the image above to see a larger, high resolution image of this photo.

Landing Zone

photograph of bird tracks on a beach

Animal tracks always catch my attention but they aren’t always very photogenic.  These bird prints were on a beach along the James River.  It would be impossible to identify the type of bird that left them but the deeper, wider prints in the foreground indicate the bird landed here and then hopped along the beach before taking flight.  The early morning sun provided enough shade within the prints to make them stand out in the photo.