Banded Hairstreak

photograph of a banded hairstreak butterfly on wild flowers

This little Banded Hairstreak was busily drinking nectar when I encountered it in a forest meadow.  I didn’t seem to mind me taking photos.  In fact, it didn’t even seem to notice I was watching it.

Rat Snake Resting on a Branch

photograph of a rat snake resting on the branch of a tree

The Rat Snake is quite a capable climber.  This individual took to the trees when we met each other on a lakeside trail in Central Virginia.  It seemed to be just as happy making its way through the branches as it was winding across the forest floor.

Mason Wasp

photograph of a wasp with blue wings

When I think of the color of bees and wasps, I think of yellows, oranges, and reds.  This little Mason Wasp is black and white with beautiful blue wings.  Sadly, it flew away before I could get a another photo showing more of the wing.  From what I’ve read, they mainly feed on nectar and caterpillars.

Perfect Camouflage

photograph of a cricket frog camouflaged in the mud

A tiny Cricket Frog sits still, assuming its nearly perfect camouflage will keep it safe.  I never would have seen it had it not hopped right in front of me as I walked down the lakeside trail.

Big Red Flower

photograph of a large, red flower

I don’t know what type of flower this is but it is big and very bright red.  It was growing on a vine in the Conservatory at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden when I photographed it in May.

Cluster of Roses

photograph of a cluster of roses

This group of roses was one of those small scenes I just couldn’t resist photographing.  The composition probably breaks all the rules but I like it just the way it is.  To me the three roses in the background on the left seem balanced by the larger, fully blooming rose in the foreground and the opening bud in the upper right.

The dark green leaves of the rose bush are riddled with insect damage.  Some photographers might be temped to “repair” them during processing but I like the imperfection of the scene.  It reminds me that, upon close inspection, even the beautiful things in life are not perfect.