On The Prowl

photograph of a black bear in Yellowstone National Park

This black bear slowly wandered through a meadow while we watched it from a safe distance.  I wish the lighting had been better but that’s one of the challenges of wildlife photography.

Alpine Meadow

photograph of an alpine meadow in Yellowstone National Park


The boulders you can see in the this photograph were most likely deposited by glaciers quite some time ago.  Boulders like these are pretty common throughout the glacially carved valleys and meadows in Yellowstone National Park.


photograph of a blond bison in Yellowstone National Park


This bison sat resting on a hillside in Yellowstone National Park when we saw it.  Since most of the bison are dark brown we nicknamed this one Blondie.

Cardboard Boat Regatta

Normally I keep to one photo per post but I decided to make an exception for the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Regatta.

Several weeks ago my nephew participated in the cardboard boat regatta.  The rules are simple enough.  Each boat must be homemade and can only be made from cardboard, tape and paint.  The boats are judged in several categories and then races are held by age group.

In the below photo, taken before the races, you can get a sense of the various designs.  They ranged from very simple to rather complex.

prerace photograph of some of the boats in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

In the youngest category the S.S. Lake Monster proved to be watertight but was too wide for this young rower to maneuver.  She maintained a good attitude and eventually a swimmer pushed the boat the length of the course.

photograph of the cardboard boat S.S. Lake Monster in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

My nephew rowed his boat, Sea Bear, to first place in his age group.  Needless to say we were all very proud.

photograph of the cardboard boat Sea Bear in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

These boys, dressed in elvish costumes, piloted Smaug, which was not much more than a large, painted box.  Unfortunately about 20 yards from shore the structural integrity of Smaug was compromised and it collapsed and sank.

photograph of the cardboard boat Smaug in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

This young lady successfully completed the course in her boat, Boatrfly.

photograph of the cardboard boat Boatrfly in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

Noah’s Ark had to be the most elaborately designed boat in the regatta.  It stood about 4′ high and was about 7′ or 8′ long.  It did well in the pre-race judging, getting lots of points for style and originality but proved to be less-than-seaworthy.  Here you can see it beginning to take on water.  Sadly Noah’s Ark went under before finishing the course.

photograph of the cardboard boat Noah's Arc in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

In the adult category the U.S.S. Monitor was an interesting entrant.  The boat capsized and lost it’s turret mid-way through the course but the paddlers righted it and managed to finish the race.

photograph of the cardboard boat USS Monitor in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

Hokie Boat started off strong.  It was way ahead of the competition until it began listing and sank.

photograph of the cardboard boat Hokie Boat in the 2013 Lake Of The Woods Cardboard Boat Regatta

Grand Teton Peaks

photograph of the peaks of the Grand Teton mountains with wildflowers in the foreground

The views of the Grand Teton range are spectacular enough on their own.  Throw in a few blooming flowers in the foreground and it’s hard to imagine a better landscape opportunity.

Banded Hairstreak

photograph of a banded hairstreak butterfly on wild flowers

This little Banded Hairstreak was busily drinking nectar when I encountered it in a forest meadow.  I didn’t seem to mind me taking photos.  In fact, it didn’t even seem to notice I was watching it.