Ripples And Pebbles

photograph of ripples and rocks in the James River near Richmond, VA

I wanted to capture contrasts in this image.  The bright sunlight filling the upper right corner of the frame versus the dark shadows of the stones.  There’s also the serene, softly moving ripples on the water contrasting with the smooth but fixed and solid stones.

Sometimes we can find our duality in the simplest places.  Without hard there is no soft. Without bright there is no dark.

Corolla Sunrise

photograph of sunrise over the beach at Corolla, North Carolina


Sometimes being a morning person pays off.  I took this photo during a trip to the beach last August.  I noticed the cloud bank that night and thought it was a shame the clouds probably wouldn’t be there at sunrise.  To my great surprise, the clouds barely moved overnight!  I awoke before dawn and watched this amazing sunrise slowly transform into morning.

Little Wood Satyr

backlit photograph of a little wood satyr butterfly resting on a leaf

This Little Wood Satyr alighted on some vegetation just ahead of me as I hiked through a marshy, open forest.  The strong, direct sunlight really lit up its wings.

Resting Elk

photograph of three male elk resting in a meadow in Yellowstone National Park

These three elk bulls relax at the edge of a meadow.  With velvet still on their antlers they seem like three friends, just hang out together.  Once mating season begins their will definitely be more rivalry between them.

Mourning Cloak

photograph of a mourning cloak butterfly on purple flowers

This Mourning Cloak butterfly stops to rest and feed in a patch of tiny, purple wild flowers.  I encountered it while hiking with a friend this spring in the Great Dismal Swamp near Suffolk, VA.