
photograph of a buttercup flower

A simple buttercup grew in a patch of grass along the trail I was hiking.  After stopping to take photos of something more compelling, I noticed this flower and thought it deserved a little attention.

Tiny Forest

photograph of moss growing on a log in a swamp

The moss and saplings growing from this semi-submerged log make up a tiny little forest of their own.  A microcosm of the world around them.

Painted Turtle 1

photograph of a painted turtle sunning itself on a rock

This painted turtle was sunning itself on a cool spring day which probably allowed me to get closer than I otherwise might have.  There were a few other turtles nearby but I like the coloration of this one.

Weekly Photo Challenge: From Above

photograph of a soda bottle and bottle cap

The late afternoon sun coming through my kitchen window provided an opportunity for a different perspective on a popular, refreshing soft drink.  You might even say this brand is a piece of Americana.  The marketing behind this beverage is so incredible, you’re sure to recognize it despite the fact the label is obscured and the bottle cap is completely out of focus.

Unlikely Fisherman

photograph of a spider sitting on a leaf in a pool of water

Five of the eight legs of this spider were on the surface of a small pool of water.  The other three were resting on a leaf floating on the surface.  At first I thought this spider had been stranded on the leaf but I later realized it was probably waiting there for lunch to come along.

Like all the photos on my blog, you can click on the image above to see a larger, high resolution image of this photo.

Tulip Bloom

close up image of a purple tulip blossom

Of course tulips are at their peak while the flowers are still slightly closed.  This purple tulip, at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, looked pasted its prime but I thought the vibrant colors had a beauty all their own.  While it no longer had that new tulip shape, the open flower revealed a lovely contrast between the yellow pollen and the deep purple and blue flower pedals.

Brown Headed Nuthatch

photograph of a brown headed nuthatch hanging under a pine cone

I encountered this brown headed nuthatch in a grove of pine trees along the south shore of the James River.  I later learned the James River is the northern edge of their range, which explained why I had never seen one before; I live on the north side of the river.

Lichen Bloom

photograph of lichen blooming on the side of a tree

Sometimes it’s the little things in nature that really catch my eye.  This lichen was growing on the side of a very large pine tree.  I approached the tree to get a closer look at something else when I noticed the tiny, bright red blooms on the lichen.  Who knew that lichen actually bloomed?