Little Wood Satyr

backlit photograph of a little wood satyr butterfly resting on a leaf

This Little Wood Satyr alighted on some vegetation just ahead of me as I hiked through a marshy, open forest.  The strong, direct sunlight really lit up its wings.

Banded Hairstreak

photograph of a banded hairstreak butterfly on wild flowers

This little Banded Hairstreak was busily drinking nectar when I encountered it in a forest meadow.  I didn’t seem to mind me taking photos.  In fact, it didn’t even seem to notice I was watching it.

Mason Wasp

photograph of a wasp with blue wings

When I think of the color of bees and wasps, I think of yellows, oranges, and reds.  This little Mason Wasp is black and white with beautiful blue wings.  Sadly, it flew away before I could get a another photo showing more of the wing.  From what I’ve read, they mainly feed on nectar and caterpillars.